Microsoft Exchange 2010 Management Pack has been pulled

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If someone is looking for Management Pack for Exchange 2010 SP1 to deploy it in your SCOM 2007R2 is rather a moment that is not found.
As it turns out after installing the MP monitor that checks the amount of free disk space for databases and logs, used a script-DatabaseSpace.ps1 troubleshoot.
Unfortunately, the monitor was configured to run every 5 minutes, and had set the timeout to 300 seconds. This caused the monitor in larger environments Exchange does not operate to the end.
In addition, the monitor was set to default parameters for the amount of free space that must be available for databases and logs (25% free space), and these parameters could not be changed.

The monitor also checked the logs and generate a “predicted” that the next 12 hours logs can fill all available space.

Therefore, if the free space was less than 25% of the available space, or forecast to generate logs for the next 12 hours assumed to fill the available space, SCOM quarantine caused the biggest boxes located at the base, which resulted in the lack of availability of these boxes.

As a result of malfunction of the monitor, the Management Pack has been discontinued.
At the moment we are working on improving it.

But if someone already installed in your environment Management Pack for Exchange 2010 can apply the short-term solution that protects it from harmful effects of this monitor.
However, we do not know what else can happen even during the operation of the monitors from the MP.

This solution can be found here:

Mailboxes on a database are Quarantined in an environment with System Center Operations Manager

More information about the script TroubleShoot-DatabaseSpace.ps1

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