Exchange 2010 get information about mailbox size

Information about the amount of space that occupies a particular mailbox, we can easily preview the Exchange Management Console.

Unfortunately, if we want to get more information about the mailboxes, or mailboxes that meet that special condition, the realization of such a task in the EMC will be very time consuming.

In such a case comes to us from the console using the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) in which the PowerShell commands, we can get a lot of interesting information on the mailboxes located on Microsoft Exchange.

Display all information about the mailbox:

Get-MailboxStatistics | FL

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Exchange 2010 Powershell how to count mailboxes

We often encounter the need to determine how many mailboxes in a given time is in different databases or around the Microsoft Exchange Server.

Such information can be easily obtained by using the Exchange Management Shell cmdlets for Exchange 2010.

Examples of use:

Determination of the number of all mailboxes in an Exchange Organization


(Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited).count

ResultSize option we use if our Exchange environment has more than 1000 mailboxes

Number of mailboxes in different databases:

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited | Group-Object -Property:Database | Select-Object Name,Count

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