Exchange 2010 configure Site Scope for Autodiscover

In Exchange 2010 environment with many Active Directory Sites we have to provide access for clients connecting from multiple sites to our Exchange Server.

When our Exchange and Active Directory environment is spreads across country or world, we often use AD Sites. Then we have to make sure that every AD Site is supported by ours Exchange CAS servers Autodiscovery.

So we need to add AD Sites to AutoDiscoverySitesScope in our Exchange CAS Server.

First we should check existing configuration of CAS servers. To do this we can write below command:

Get-ClientAccessServer | fl Name, AutoDiscoverSiteScope


We will get list of all Exchange CAS with AutoDiscoverSiteScope.

If we don’t know what AD Sites are in our environment we can get list of AD Sites using:


When we want to add AD Site to Exchange CAS we need to use Set-ClientAccessServer CMDlet like below:

Set-ClientAccessServer -identity MXCAS01 -AutoDiscoverSiteScope "Location Site 1, Location Site 2"

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