Remote Exchange PowerShell Session in Powershell ISE


During Microsoft Exchange servers administration we often use EMS (Exchange Management Shell). Many times it’s the best and the fastest way to achieve what we need. We can create Powershell scripts to automate some administrative actions.

Unfortunately lot of us to use Exchange Management Shell, first connect by RDP to Exchnage Server or workstation with Exchange Management Tools and then run EMS.

We can easly connect to Powershell Exchange Management Console from workstation using New-PSSession in Powershell ISE console.

Below we present how to add menu Powershell ISE to connect to Exchange Server Powershell Console.

First we need to run Powershell ISE console and write:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned


next we need to write to check powershell profile used on our computer:




Now we know where is located file with our powershell profile, but we have to check if this file exists.

To check if this profile file exists we have to run below command:

test-path $profile

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Microsoft Exchange 2010 how to reduce the size of the database

As is known in the Microsoft Exchange database size after removal of the mailboxes is not decreasing but remains the same.
Created the database “gap” so called White Space which tells us about the amount of available space, which can be used without the need to increase the size of the database file .edb.
Only after completing the White Space, a further increase in the size of mailboxes in the database, it will increase the file size .edb file.

In the case of Microsoft Exchange databases such solution is problematic, because in order to reduce file size .edb after removing mailboxes from the database we use the most with ESEUTIL, which have performed defrag the database.

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