Description of Exchange Online Protection Service has been updated and now it contains description of all available features in EOP.
The service description provides information about EOP features and their availability across the different subscription plans.
Description contains topics for the following features:
- Recipient, Domain, and Company Management
- Messaging Policy and Compliance
- Anti-Spam and Anti-Malware Protection
- Mail Flow
- Reporting and Message Trace
- Administration and Management
You can find there following ways were you can use EOP for messaging protection:
- In a standalone scenario EOP provides cloud-based email protection for your on-premises Exchange Server 2013 environment, legacy Exchange Server versions, or for any other on-premises SMTP email solution.
- As a part of Microsoft Exchange Online By default, EOP protects Exchange Online cloud-hosted mailboxes.
- In a hybrid deployment EOP can be configured to protect your messaging environment and control mail routing when you have a mix of on-premises and cloud mailboxes.