Exchange 2010 SP3 Database copy status goes to failed after database move

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If you have installed SP3 for Microsoft Exchange 2010 you can experience an issue with database copy status.

When activating a passive copy of an Exchange 2010 SP3 database via PowerShell or the Exchange Management Console, the mounted database will dismount without issue and the passive copy will mount. While at the initializing stage on the now passive copy, the database copy status  will change to a failed state.

The status message for the database copy shows failed, and the log indicates:

“The Microsoft Exchange Replication service encountered an error while inspecting the logs and database for DB\Server on startup. Error: File check failed : Logfile ‘f:\logs\DB\Enn.log’ is generation 2024; however the expected generation is 2004.”


The issue is currently under investigation by Microsoft

But as a workaround Microsoft recommends:

If you are exhibiting this issue the work around is to remove the Enn.log from the failed passive node. If the Enn.log is removed the passive database copy status returns to healthy.

More informations you can find here:

Exch 2010 SP3 Database copy status goes to failed after database move


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One Response to Exchange 2010 SP3 Database copy status goes to failed after database move

  1. Gulab says:

    The log file Enn.log needs to be deleted after dismounting the database or stopping the IS service on the Passive server? I think you should have mentioned the Article link of the Microsoft for issue under investigation.
    Recently I upgraded few environment to SP3 and I didn’t came across with this issue.
    Good work!

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