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When you use Public Folders in Microsoft Exchange 2010 environment it’s good to know what kind of folders you have, what is size of those folders.
We can use script AggregatePFData.ps1, which you can find in Exchange 2010 installation directory like below:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts
With this script you can easly get information about Public Folders reside on Exchange 2010 server.
You will get informations like below:
- Identity
- Owner
- FolderType
- MailEnabled
- HasModerator
- HasRules
- ItemCount
- TotalItemSize
- LastUserAccessTime
- LastUserModificationTime
All of those informations you can easly export to .csv file.
When you have many public folders then be prepared that this script will take long time to finish.
Run this script in EMS on Exchange server which has public folders, and remember to change installation path.
[PS] D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts> Get-Publicfolder | .\AggregatePFData.ps1 | Export-Csv d:\skrypty\PFStat.csv -NoTypeInformation